An onboarding kit on the right, with text saying New Employee is not only momentous for the employee but organisation too

The Great Onboarding Kit for New Employees

The first footsteps in the organization if marked with apathy or regularity, lead to disengagement early on. There is no two ways about it that having a great onboarding is vital to welcoming new employees. It is about giving them all the resources that help them perform and settle in the organization.

During the peak of COVID, great onboarding meant a great Onboarding Kit. From fancy tumblers to t-shirts to sleek gadgets, organizations were going above and beyond to give that personal touch which was lacking due to the remoteness of employees. Now, even though a standard practice the oomph has gone from the Onboarding Kit.

As we enter the era of Back to Office, the onboarding kits are slowly making way for a more personalized touch at offices, from lunches to buddy programs and regular check-ins during hyper-care (first 90 days) period.

The question I posit is whether Onboarding Kit or Not?

Well, a good onboarding has to have two parts – 1. Introduction of the Company and Policies. Honestly, if an employee is not told of all HR policies on Day 1, there will never be another day. Company values and business propositions are the secondary agenda on the list. Even if the employee connects 10% on the first day it is enough to tether them to the organisation.

Also, good preparedness on the first day takes it to a whole another level- get their emails, IDs, and other resources pooled before they join and you are looking at a streamlined onboarding process. It doesn’t need a band or a welcoming crew, but a good step-by-step process to induct a new employee.

One of my best onboarding I think was with my first company, we got a three-day induction with leadership and understood what the company stood for. If someone asked me today what is TCOC I might still be able to tell all and it has been almost 8 years since I left that organisation.

Instilling values is a long-drawn process and requires effort at every step. But once it becomes a standard practice it is easier to replicate at mass scale.

It is harder to do so remotely, so an onboarding kit helps build that moment of happiness with the employee but alas as we move to more office setup, we are doing less of these.

So perhaps smaller mementos are in order, a laptop with personalized stickers, a shipper, or perhaps a photo frame to keep on your desk. A small knick-knack helps the employee feel their desk is their own but also reinforces that being a new part of the organization is momentous for the organization too.

A small effort towards making your onboarding standard and special is all you need for it to leave an impression that helps the employee navigate the first week jitters and make them feel at ease.

A candidate journey through recruitment is shown on left hand side and with text Engagement 101, adding human to candidate experience

Adding Human to Candidate Experience

“Engagement may seem like it begins with the employee but Engagement starts with Candidate Experience.”

“HR have ghosted me” One of the very valid feedbacks we get from candidates is low engagement from recruiters.

Given that recruiters are hiring for multiple positions and don’t usually have the bandwidth to reply to each and every candidate, for a simple reason of sheer magnitude of hiring that happens. (Forgive them a little 🙂 )

But there are a few ways to make the candidate experience both personalized and where the candidate doesnt feel ghosted by HR.

Firstly, the recruiters should focus on building the image of the employer with few choice words, especially in start-up times. How do you come across is the main part, especially the first call and interview. This is Human Resources, neither you nor the candidate is indebted to “Getting the Job”.

Be honest, and say only if we like your profile, we will get back. Be consistent, if you are not able to reach back to a candidate drop them a message nonetheless.

“Remember every candidate in the process, is an employee in the making.”

This reminds me of one of the organizations where I was ghosted on the day of the interview but you won’t be able to guess that I did end up working there and perhaps, was one of the best tenures for me.

As I said the recruiter has to be human as the candidate is one.

Secondly, how do you make sure that 100s of people are feeling ghosted? This is resolved simply by making clear statements. “We will get back shortly” shouldn’t mean that you talk to the candidate in 20 days. Make sure you use the right words. Get your script in place and make sure you can create the company image as the interview process goes on.

And get back to them shortly, seriously, be a responsive hiring organization.

As for feedback, not every time recruiters get the best feedback from the hiring manager. So give feedback which is sandwiched between two great points about the candidate and one point where improvement is needed.

I know, honestly is desired but sometimes it is okay to be kinder than honest. Let them know there is always a next time.

Perhaps throw a Rangoli in the mix to switch things up. I kid. I kid.

On the other hand, to all candidates remember, your recruiter today is your colleague sometime later. A little humanness from your end will not go to waste. So show up when you say you will show up. If you hate being ghosted by recruiters, ghosting them back is only bad karma.


Engagement 101 – Looking Beyond a Rangoli

Does Engagement start with making a rangoli on Diwali and ending with Chocolates on New Year?

HR is often and mostly best synonymous with Rangoli and at worst with No Calls.

I remember during one of the Diwali celebrations, all of the HRs lamented that we didn’t have anyone to make a rangoli and we would be deprived of festive joy because of our serious lack of Rangoli-making skills. But that Engagement event went without a hitch and no one missed a well-made or worse-made Rangoli.

So the question remains how does one Engage an employee?

Is Rangoli the right answer for it? Engagement begins with understanding the DNA of the organization. It truly matters what kind of organization you are and aspire to be.

It also has to be a multi-pronged approach. It doesn’t have to have fancy gifts on every festive occasion or a plant in the onboarding kit to be environmentally friendly.

In one of the retail organizations- I used to give a Rs 10 chocolate to every Team Member I met in the store, it was one of those low-effort engagements that cost very little but made every team member a little bit happier.

On a very different organization – one of the key events was a hackathon and it was celebrated more than Diwali as it was predominantly an engineering organization.

So the answer is WHO is the organization, the key demographic, and what kind of culture you would like to cultivate.

If you start your engagement plan with a top-to-bottom approach, you will never even reach the middle, even if you know how to make a rangoli.

Your Engagement should always start with most of your employees and slowly go to the top.

A person's hand holding people representing hiring

The Modern Hiring Dilemma: When Silence Speaks Louder Than Words

In today’s competitive job market, effective communication is paramount. Yet, a troubling trend has emerged among hiring managers: the lack of timely feedback and engagement with recruitment vendors and candidates. This not only hampers the recruitment process but also tarnishes the employer’s brand.

The Ripple Effect of Delayed Feedback: When recruitment vendors submit profiles, timely feedback is crucial. Candidates invest time and effort in interviews, and the expectation is that hiring managers will reciprocate with constructive input. Unfortunately, many hiring managers remain silent or take weeks to respond, leaving both candidates and consultants in limbo. This lack of communication can lead to frustration and disengagement from top talent.

The Irony of Urgency: Adding to this dilemma, hiring managers often turn to consulting companies with a sense of urgency, demanding candidates “as of yesterday.” They expect a quick turnaround while failing to provide the same urgency in their feedback and decision-making. This disconnect creates a frustrating cycle where candidates feel undervalued and left waiting, only to be met with irritation when they pursue other opportunities.

Holding Candidates Hostage: Even more concerning is the tendency for hiring managers to keep candidates hanging without a clear timeline. Candidates are often left waiting for an offer that may never come, causing them to explore other opportunities. When these candidates inevitably receive another offer, hiring managers often react with annoyance, despite having contributed to the situation through their inaction.

The Cost of Poor Communication:
In a time when top talent is scarce, this behavior can have dire consequences. Companies may find themselves losing out on qualified candidates who feel undervalued and unappreciated. Moreover, a reputation for poor communication can deter future applicants, impacting the overall talent pool.

A Call to Action: As we navigate this fast-paced hiring landscape, it’s essential for hiring managers to prioritize communication. Providing timely feedback, setting clear expectations, and respecting candidates’ time can foster a more positive hiring experience for everyone involved.

Let’s work together to create a recruitment environment that values transparency and respect. After all, in the world of talent acquisition, every interaction counts. Let’s ensure that silence doesn’t overshadow opportunity!

Four people are shaking hands, two men, two women

Why Leaders Need to Hire Their “A” Team?

In the world of talent acquisition, one golden rule stands out: “A” teams hire “A” players, while “B” teams hire “C” players. This principle highlights the crucial importance of building a top-tier team from the very beginning. Here’s why leaders should always aim for their “A” team:

1. Excellence Breeds Excellence
“A” players are high achievers who set and maintain high standards. They inspire and challenge their peers, creating a culture of excellence. This domino effect ensures your team consistently performs at its best.

2. Innovation and Growth
Top talent thrives on innovation and creativity. “A” players are not just problem solvers but also visionaries who push the boundaries, leading to groundbreaking solutions and continuous growth for your organization.

3. Strong Leadership Pipeline
Hiring “A” players creates a strong pipeline for future leaders. These individuals possess the skills and mindset needed to step into leadership roles, ensuring your company’s long-term success and stability.

4. Positive Workplace Culture
An “A” team fosters a positive, collaborative, and dynamic work environment. They bring enthusiasm, dedication, and a can-do attitude, which boosts morale and employee engagement across the board.

5. Attracting More Talent
High-caliber professionals want to work with other top talents. By establishing an “A” team, you create a magnet for attracting more elite performers, perpetuating a cycle of excellence.
Avoid the “B” and “C” Team Trap
“B” players, while competent, often feel threatened by “A” players and thus hire “C” players to avoid being overshadowed. This creates a downward spiral in talent quality, leading to mediocrity and stagnation.

Your hiring decisions set the foundation for your company’s future. Prioritize assembling your “A” team, and watch your organization soar to new heights.

Untitled design

Hiring Gone Wrong?

One of the key factors, when we have discussions internally or with clients, is why hiring goes wrong in certain cases.

The question remains how do you qualify someone as a wrong hire?

It is especially true when someone doesn’t align with the culture and working environment and in some cases, the alignment of roles and performance doesn’t match.

-The Problem of Culture Fit?

One of the key ways to avoid this problem is to be extremely clear on who you are as a company and that can only happen if you can pinpoint your employer brand.

Ask your employees how they associate the company and what as a founder or captain of the company, how you perceive it. The amalgamation of these two will give you the answer.

Although a long interview process is exhausting, take that as a point of discussion- one round simply is not enough and one needs to understand who the candidate is and whether they thrive within the culture of the company. You can avoid a lot of Culture Fit mishaps by being open and transparent.

Make your interview process a discussion first process.

-The problem of performance-

Is the employee unable to perform basic duties or are you not providing the right tools?

In this case, have multiple rounds of discussion, and understand the pain points for them, and with resources provided, they most likely can perform and in the unlikely scenario that they still can’t perform, make a clean break.

Performance is indicative of both the organization and the employee. Introspection is very important but so is to understand when you cut your losses as an organization and as an employee.

Not even a match will work out, but if you look for the right behavioral traits and indicators, you are bound to find more matches that work in your favor.

Fractal CHRO

The Rise of the Fractional CHRO: A Game-Changer for Modern Businesses

In the dynamic world of business, agility is key. Enter the fractional Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), a strategic solution offering top-tier HR expertise on a part-time basis. This innovative approach allows companies to benefit from seasoned HR leadership without the full-time cost.

Why Consider a Fractional CHRO?

1. Cost-Effective Expertise:
Access high-level HR insights without the hefty price tag of a full-time executive.

2. Flexibility and Scalability: Scale HR support based on your business needs, ideal for startups and growing companies.

3. Diverse Experience:
Benefit from best practices across various industries, bringing fresh perspectives to your HR challenges.

4. Immediate Impact:
Experienced professionals can quickly implement effective strategies, driving immediate improvements.

5. Strategic Focus:
Focus on long-term goals and strategic initiatives, leaving day-to-day tasks to your internal team.

When to Bring in a Fractional CHRO

– Transition Periods: Provide stability during mergers, acquisitions, or leadership changes.
– Rapid Growth: Develop scalable HR processes to support your expanding workforce.
– Specific Projects: Implement new HR technologies, revise compensation structures, or enhance training programs with expert oversight.

The fractional CHRO model is transforming how businesses approach HR. By offering flexibility, cost savings, and expert guidance, it’s a game-changer for companies navigating the complexities of modern human resources.

Embrace the future of HR leadership. Consider a fractional CHRO to drive your business forward with confidence and agility.

Performance v/s Potential

Performance v/s Potential Hiring

Recruitment seems like a fairly transactional process, you have a role, a place for a person in your organization, and you give that vacancy to your recruitment team, elaborating what kind of person you are looking for and what will be their roles and responsibilities.

Once this is done, you can advertise the role, screen the resumes, hold interviews, and voila you are done with the process. What we fail to realize is that all sides of this transaction are with people.

Manpower Planning – When the vacancy is identified, it is usually on a singular basis in a team. If it is a large organization, then it will start as a requisition (in case of a new role) and then be approved if it is a replacement, it will go straight to HR.

In MSMEs or start-ups, usually, the head will have the autonomy to hire. And will have a similar requisition structure. The possibility of an internal fulfillment or IJP can be introduced, depending on how the policies of said organization and how old the organization is.

On the surface, Recruitment is a fairly easy process but if not done properly, it leads to overhiring, correction, and misfit employees that don’t gel within the organization.

Three main points to ask while hiring-

Performance or Potential
If it is a replacement hire, you hire a candidate who is well-versed in the field. If you are hiring a new resource, hire for their potential

Fresher Hiring

One of my managers said that freshers should be hired based on their sincerity and ability to learn. Rest can be taught

Culture Alignment

If you are a fast-paced organization, you hire from a legacy organization, they will most likely feel outpaced, and similarly, start-up folks feel they have been put in slow-mo when they use more traditional organizations. Hire people who not only know what to do but are also able to fit with the existing teams and culture.

Sustainable Choice for Attracting Top Talent

A Sustainable Choice for Attracting Top Talent

Gen Z are looking for companies that walk the walk on sustainability, not just talk the talk. Going green isn’t just good for the planet, it’s a smart business decision that attracts and keeps top talent.

By implementing eco-friendly practices, you’re not just protecting the environment, you’re creating a conscious workplace culture that resonates with today’s generation.

So, what’s the ROI on this “investment” in Earth?
It’s a win-win! You get a dedicated, engaged workforce and a healthier planet.

Let’s break it down:
ROI stands for Return on Investment. It’s basically how much you get back for what you put in. When it comes to Earth, the “investment” is protecting its resources, and the “return” is a thriving business and a happy planet.

Here are some easy eco-actions you can take at work to attract and retain top talent, with benefits for everyone:

  • Give your office a makeover with a sustainable twist! Use recycled pallets for furniture, or host a competition for teams to create eco-friendly decorations from recycled materials.
  • Open the blinds, and embrace the golden hour vibe (save energy).
  • Ditch the Printer Habit (unless double-sided & recycled paper!) – Go digital!
  • Encourage your team to carry their refillable bottles, coffee mugs etc.
  • Skip the plastic utensils, straws, and cutlery at the office.
  • Reuse those notebooks, pens, and paper clips.

It’s those small efforts that can add up to big results!

Group of multiracial people, girl in wheelchair, lgbt person and elderly woman . Concept of multiracial and multicultural community. Vector flat illustration of diverse characters

Are we living in an echo chamber?

For innovation to foster and ideas to flow, a diverse set of voices is vital. The idea that diversity is a checkbox to tick rather than a long-term initiative to be taken to make room for all voices is detrimental to an organisation’s health.

As a manager or a founder or even a business owner, here are a few reasons why promoting diversity will be beneficial for your team, start-up, or business.

> Varied Perspectives – Living in a world where there is only one perspective, leads to decisions that are binary in nature and don’t appeal to a larger audience.

> Creativity – When you have people from all walks of life, it is bound to bring in fresh ideas from what they make of the world

> Culture Awareness – Understanding differences is the first step in building internal and external culture for your organization.

> Open Communication – The moment you open yourself and by extension your organization to diverse voices, open communication follows. Which helps in creating both trust in the teams and also building channels for honest dialogue.

This Pride Month and ahead – let’s have a celebration of diversity from the aspect of bringing diverse voices to the table.