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Hiring Gone Wrong?

One of the key factors, when we have discussions internally or with clients, is why hiring goes wrong in certain cases.

The question remains how do you qualify someone as a wrong hire?

It is especially true when someone doesn’t align with the culture and working environment and in some cases, the alignment of roles and performance doesn’t match.

-The Problem of Culture Fit?

One of the key ways to avoid this problem is to be extremely clear on who you are as a company and that can only happen if you can pinpoint your employer brand.

Ask your employees how they associate the company and what as a founder or captain of the company, how you perceive it. The amalgamation of these two will give you the answer.

Although a long interview process is exhausting, take that as a point of discussion- one round simply is not enough and one needs to understand who the candidate is and whether they thrive within the culture of the company. You can avoid a lot of Culture Fit mishaps by being open and transparent.

Make your interview process a discussion first process.

-The problem of performance-

Is the employee unable to perform basic duties or are you not providing the right tools?

In this case, have multiple rounds of discussion, and understand the pain points for them, and with resources provided, they most likely can perform and in the unlikely scenario that they still can’t perform, make a clean break.

Performance is indicative of both the organization and the employee. Introspection is very important but so is to understand when you cut your losses as an organization and as an employee.

Not even a match will work out, but if you look for the right behavioral traits and indicators, you are bound to find more matches that work in your favor.

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