Performance v/s Potential

Performance v/s Potential Hiring

Recruitment seems like a fairly transactional process, you have a role, a place for a person in your organization, and you give that vacancy to your recruitment team, elaborating what kind of person you are looking for and what will be their roles and responsibilities.

Once this is done, you can advertise the role, screen the resumes, hold interviews, and voila you are done with the process. What we fail to realize is that all sides of this transaction are with people.

Manpower Planning – When the vacancy is identified, it is usually on a singular basis in a team. If it is a large organization, then it will start as a requisition (in case of a new role) and then be approved if it is a replacement, it will go straight to HR.

In MSMEs or start-ups, usually, the head will have the autonomy to hire. And will have a similar requisition structure. The possibility of an internal fulfillment or IJP can be introduced, depending on how the policies of said organization and how old the organization is.

On the surface, Recruitment is a fairly easy process but if not done properly, it leads to overhiring, correction, and misfit employees that don’t gel within the organization.

Three main points to ask while hiring-

Performance or Potential
If it is a replacement hire, you hire a candidate who is well-versed in the field. If you are hiring a new resource, hire for their potential

Fresher Hiring

One of my managers said that freshers should be hired based on their sincerity and ability to learn. Rest can be taught

Culture Alignment

If you are a fast-paced organization, you hire from a legacy organization, they will most likely feel outpaced, and similarly, start-up folks feel they have been put in slow-mo when they use more traditional organizations. Hire people who not only know what to do but are also able to fit with the existing teams and culture.

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